
This post was published 19 years, 9 months ago. Some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

monster.jpgAchim ist ja ein ziemlich großer Animefan. Er ist auch Mitglied in einer Sub-Crew namens Animepath, welche hobbymäßig Anime subben – also deutsche Untertitel drunter legen.

Ich selbst fand bisher nie so richtig was an Animes, mal abgesehen von DragonBall Z, das hat gerockt ;-). Auf jedenfall hat Achim mir mal geraten, ich solle mir doch mal den Anime "Monster" reinziehen.


Hab ich gemacht und bin echt beeindruckt! Hammergeiles Anime. Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen.

Ich zitier einfach mal ne Zusammenfassung die ich gefunden habe:

The plot becomes simple buta deeper secret lies beneath

Dr. Tenma is a Japanese man working in Germany. He has it all, incredible medical skill, a great job, a beautiful fiancee. He becomes disillusioned with the hospital politics though, when one day he’s ordered to forgo operating on a critically injured man in favor of someone who was more famous. After this point, he decides he will do what he thinks is right, regardless of politics.

One day, a young boy and his younger sister were brought in. The boy had a bullet in his head, an operation that the doctor knows only he is capable of completing successfully. But soon after a politician was brought to the hospital and the high ups in the hospital want Dr. Tenma to leave the boy to operate on the politician. Dr. Tenma decides that he’ll do what’s right and save the young boy’s life.

The young boy’s operation was a success, but the surgeons operating on the politician fail, prompting his life to fall apart. Dr. Tenma is passed over for a promotion and his fiancee becomes cold to him and eventually leaves him.

But soon after, strange murders begin to occur, ones that benefit Dr. Tenma greatly and though he becomes the #1 suspect, they have no evidence against him. But it seems that the boy whose life he saved has a hand in things, and that he is much more than he seems…

Wer sich mal paar Folgen anschauen will, der soll sich mal auf die Hompage von Animepath bewegen und sich dort nach der Downloadmöglichkeit  (IRC) erkunden. Es lohnt sich! Auch, oder besonders, für Leute die bisher immer dachten Anime wären Dreck oder nur was für Freaks…

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