Lion Timemachine + Synology NAS = working

This post was published 13 years, 7 months ago. Some material it contains may no longer be applicable.

If you’re using a Synology NAS for your Timemachine backup, then it might no longer work in Lion / 10.7.

This is due outdated AFS drivers Synology uses. To make it work. just download the 3.2 beta firmware for your NAS and you’re good again 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Lion Timemachine + Synology NAS = working

  1. I did download the firmware and I did install the beta, and I did create a public folder called “TimeMachine”, and I did set the Mac Services on my Synology to link “TimeMachine” as a Time Machine, but when I tried creating the backup, it fails due to incompatible AFS drivers 🙁

    How is that possible? I thought they solved that issue. Or am I doing something wrong?

  2. Problem solved:

    I kept the original folder (from old DSM) with its original settings. After deleting it and reinitializing the whole procedure it finally seems to work.

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